Continuous training is the key
to master the most advanced technologies

Having properly trained staff is a crucial factor for any successful business. Skills improvement and qualified knowledge enable companies to be competitive and constantly oriented towards innovation. Alongside basic background, it is essential to constantly update personal skills in order to keep up with the technology of a sector such as that of HVAC, which is constantly and rapidly evolving.

Pettinaroli UK Academy has been designed to further the education of young and trained engineers, from those who are just starting in the industry, to those with more experience who would like to increase their skills.


Fulfilling solutions
through knowledge

Our decades on-field experience in balancing of hydronic system and the thousands of big international projects carried out with Pettinaroli products over the years, has convinced us of the importance of sharing our technical expertise with the people who work in the industry on a daily basis.

With this in mind, we chose to establish the Pettinaroli UK Academy. We are committed to make our deep knowledge at disposal of our customers to help UK hydronic industry to advance and create more healthy places where people live, work, learn and play.

approved courses

As a CIBSE accredited company, Pettinaroli UK is qualified to deliver courses valid for CPD training credits.

The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) is the professional body that backs up the community of building services engineers, investing in education and research and supporting the professionals involved in the buiding environment. 

All CIBSE members are required to undertake continuing professional development (CPD) in order that they keep up to date with the latest technical information and maintain their professional competence.

Pettinaroli UK courses give access to CPD credits as they are reviewed and assessed by CIBSE that ensures the technical contents are of a high standard and offer valuable professional training to delegates.


Customize your learning experience

To help the understanding of PICCV valves and the many applications in water distribution systems, Pettinaroli UK have developed a series of “Hands on” practical courses that allow the attending delegate to carry out several exercises, as would be required on site, to experience and gain knowledge of design, installation, flushing and commissioning of terminal units.

Access today to an exclusive training program delivered through a wide variety of modalities according to your needs!


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